Changeable nassa

Nassarius mutabilis

Changeable nassa

  • Scientific name: Nassarius mutabilis
  • Sales name: Lumachine

Gastropod mollusk with a rounded, spiral-shaped shell, with a semicircular opening. The external surface is smooth, the color is yellow-brown and has darker irregular specks. It reproduces in spring and can reach 3 cm in length. The life cycle ends in 2 or 3 years. It is found in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic on sandy and muddy bottoms of the infra-coastal, generally between 2 and 12 meters deep. It is very common in the Venetian lagoon and in the Adriatic coastal strip.

Technical details
Origin Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea
Fishing season from October to May
Fishing gear metal baskets, trawl nets or pots
Packaging 1, 3, 4 or 5 kg boxes; 1kg net
Commercial size 2 cm
Storage temperature between +2° and +6° C for live and viable product.
Microbiological and Biotoxicological Values

Chemical parameters provided for by Reg. (EC) 1881/06

Lead 1.5 mg/kg fresh weight
Cadmium 1 mg/kg fresh weight
Mercury 0.5 mg/kg fresh weight

Biotoxicological parameters provided for by Reg. (EC) 853/04

PSP (Paralytic Shellfish Poison) 800 µg/kg
ASP (Amnesic Shellfish Poison) 20 mg/kg of Domoic acid
Ac. Okadaico, dinophysis toxins and pectenotoxins 160 µg of Okadaic acid equivalents/kg
Yessotoxins 1 mg of Yessotoxins equivalents/kg
Azaspiracids 160 µg of Azaspiracid equivalents/kg

Microbiological parameters provided for by Reg. (EC) 2073/05:

E. coli n=5 c=1 m=230 MPN/100g M=700 MPN/100g
Salmonella absent in 25 g
Organoleptic Properties

Odour: characteristic marine
Appearance: regular without epibond
Colour: yellow-brown
Meat: with a light marine flavour

Nutritional Values (per 100 grams of product)*

Energy value: 90 kcal
Proteins: 16.1 g
Carbohydrates: 2.0 g
Fats: 1.4 g
*Bibliographic values

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