
Crassostrea gigas


  • Scientific name: Crassostrea gigas
  • Sales name: Ostriche

The oyster, bivalve mollusc native to the Pacific Ocean, is spread on rocky or muddy seabeds of coastal stretches of sea and in coastal lagoons adapting well to brackish waters. This type of mollusc secretes cementing substances through which it fixes one of the two valves to submerged bodies. The oyster shell has very variable morphological characteristics, generally oblong and clearly longer than wide, the valves are unequal (the left one is convex and larger, the right one is flattened and serves as a “lid”); the common size is 8-15 centimeters. Oyster meat is very tasty and is often eaten raw with lemon juice.

Technical details
Origin France, Holland
Fishing season fishing is done all year round
Fishing gear train with cage
Packaging 1 or 3 kg wooden boxes
Commercial size 6 cm
Storage temperature between +2° and +6° C for live and viable product.
Microbiological and Biotoxicological Values

Chemical parameters provided for by Reg. (EC) 1881/06

Lead 1.5 mg/kg fresh weight
Cadmium 1 mg/kg fresh weight
Mercury 0.5 mg/kg fresh weight

Biotoxicological parameters provided for by Reg. (EC) 853/04

PSP (Paralytic Shellfish Poison) 800 µg/kg
ASP (Amnesic Shellfish Poison) 20 mg/kg of Domoic acid
Ac. Okadaico, dinophysis toxins and pectenotoxins 160 µg of Okadaic acid equivalents/kg
Yessotoxins 1 mg of Yessotoxins equivalents/kg
Azaspiracids 160 µg of Azaspiracid equivalents/kg

Microbiological parameters provided for by Reg. (EC) 2073/05:

E. coli n=5 c=1 m=230 MPN/100g M=700 MPN/100g
Salmonella absent in 25 g
Organoleptic Properties

Odour: characteristic marine
Appearance: regular without epibonds
Colour: gray background with purple or brown streaks
Meat: with a light marine flavor

Nutritional Values (per 100 grams of product)*

Energy value: 69 kcal
Proteins: 10.2 g
Carbohydrates: 5.4 g
Fats: 0.9 g
*Data source INRAN (National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition)

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